Steps Untold 2.0: Stories of Reverse Migration, AR Interventions in Public Space & Guided Tour, DARV

The DARV Collective (Violeta Ivanova, Mihaela Kavdanska and Florian Weinrich) will present new augmented reality interventions in public spaces as part of their ongoing Steps Untold project.

This is a series of site-specific interventions performed on and around urban stairways. The collective offers a conceptual, curatorial, and technological framework for artists to either participate in or develop their own projects. Real-time and digital narratives blend seamlessly within the DARV augmented reality application, creating a composite experience that can be accessed via portable devices in public spaces.

In Steps Untold 2.0, the collective delves into the theme of reverse migration, drawing inspiration from the experiences of Bulgarian women in the fields of arts and culture who have returned to live and work in Bulgaria.

Inspired by stories of these professionals the collective explores different perspectives on reverse migration. DARV has extended invitations to seven Bulgarian artists and art producers, asking them to contribute their own insights as returning migrants, reflecting on questions like: What is the place of artists returning from abroad in society? Lost in Translation or Alien vs. Predator, or what was (is) the process of adaptation for you as a "new returnee"? What are the comparisons and parallels between "here and there" and how persistent are they in everyday life?

This collaborative endeavor aims to shed light on the often unspoken and invisible processes of remigration and their personal and social impact. As usual in DARV's socially oriented projects, the work process is as important as the outcome, fostering connections between people and providing a shared space for artistic reflection on various topics of social relevance.

The digital interventions will be implemented in augmented reality in different public spaces in Sofia. The artists will offer guided tours through all the locations on Friday, 27th of October between 16:00 and 18:00 h, meeting point National Academy of Arts, Sofia.

Steps Untold 2.0, project participants: Iglika Christova (visual artist, contemporary art professor), Veselina Dashinova (artist, filmmaker, educator), Bilyana Grudanska (pianist, singer, music teacher), Olga Mineva (Founder of EMPROVE Foundation, organizational psychologist, consultant, art producer), Silviya Radeva - SILVIYAR (artist), Raya Vutsova (visual artist), Rada Yakova (artist).

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