Performance Downhill by Finn Borath/ Toplotsentrala

In Downhill Finn explores loneliness, the strangeness of the world and imagination in an abstract but still lighthearted way.

By using technical manipulation he creates a complete experience, where the scenes, images and sounds tell their own story rather than being explained by a coherent narrative.

Using an absurdist worldview in combination with intuitively created imagery the work speaks in a strange but recognisable language, where one thing flows into the other, where you wonder: ‘How did I get here? Where is this going?’. It’s all downhill from here…

Finn Borath is a performance- and video artist based in Amsterdam.

Working with big concepts in philosophy and physics like death and infinity he builds tight performance works that through their ‘coolness’ reveal a deep emotional and personal layer. Using video, light and sound he plays with the sense’s of the audience, by example switching from a lot of input to silence he tries to manipulate the experience. This makes his very visual work sometimes feel like a magic show with layers of abstraction.

Event date
19:00 - 20:00
